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Court Jails Undergraduate 3 Years For Internet Scam

Justice Akintunde Abass yesterday at the State High Court sitting in Ibadan, Oyo State, convicted and sentenced a young man to three years in jail for obtaining money under wrong pretense and scam.

Akinluyi Akintunde 24, studies Agronomy at Ladoke Akintola University of Technology.  Akintunde was brought to the court on March 13, 2013 to face a two count charge from obtaining money under false pretense.

Specifically, he allegedly obtained the sum of $450.00 from one Robert Jackson (an American) via Western Union Money Transfer under a false pretence that he was a lady.

In his judgment, Justice Abass ordered that the sum of $450 recovered from the convict be returned to the victim, Robert Jackson through the United States Consulate as restitution.

Also, he also ordered that the laptop recovered from the convict in the course of his arrest be forfeited to the Federal Government.

Court Jails Undergraduate 3 Years For Internet Scam Reviewed by Msl on 2:23 am Rating: 5


  1. What a pity. Na naija condition make am do that kind thing

  2. Anonymous28 June, 2013

    True. With the Joblessness and poverty in the nation. People start finding alternative ways to make money. But in the end it is still your responsibility to be a good citizen.


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