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Fans React To Wale's Decision To Move Back to Nigeria

American rapper of Nigerian descent, Wale, expressed his interested to move relocate to Nigeria for a while.

Despite the security challenges, dwindling economy, to list a few facing Nigeria, Wale is determined to come back to Nigeria in a bid to bridge a gap between the American music scene and the Nigerian music scene.

Wale, who has been in Nigeria briefly in the past few months, first shared a tweet that got a lot of reactions:
Some of his followers shared their opinions while also him asking questions. He took his time to answer a number of them:
Wale revealed a collaboration with Don Jazzy and Rekado Banks. He also revealed tha he has a house in Ondo state and he is in safe hands with Don Jazzy.

What do you think? Is his decision to come back to Nigeria a good or a bad move?

Fans React To Wale's Decision To Move Back to Nigeria Reviewed by The Niger Times on 12:59 pm Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Vigilant Nigerian21 February, 2015

    Best move ever. Wale and Don Jazzy will be a good combo. We need more people to take such bold steps. Nigeria is a great country and should be a country where anybody can relocate to. Our image has be destroyed for too long, we need a re-branded image and I strongly believe this is a step towards that. God bless you Wale and we can't wait


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