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FG To Revive Niger State's Kanji Lake Park & 7 Other National Parks

The Federal Government of Nigeria on Monday said it has commenced plans to revive eight national parks in the country.

The Minister of Environment Mrs. Laurentia Mallam said the parks which include: National Park Service, Abuja; Kanji Lake National Park, Niger State; Chad Basin National Park, Borno State; Cross River National Park, Cross River; Gashaka Gumti National Park, Adamawa State; Kamuku National Park, Kaduna State; Old Oyo National Park,Oyo State and Okumu National Park, Edo State would be upgraded to meet the standards of African Parks.

The Minister said this in Abuja when she received the Chairman, Board of Directors of African Parks, Robert- Jan van Ogtrop, and members of the Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF) at her office.

She said the ministry will work with the Conservation Foundation and the African Parks to ensure that parks in the country are up to standards.

Source/Read more -> World State Group

FG To Revive Niger State's Kanji Lake Park & 7 Other National Parks Reviewed by Msl on 4:07 am Rating: 5

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